The Cauldron

The Cauldron

Flames of Ambition

Minimum Level 45

35 minutes

Redolent Loam, Deshaan

Once a thriving source of profit for the merchant Felisa Vendu, she abandoned this old mine after workers revolted. They insisted that voices came to them from the darkness. A low whispered chanting that followed them to their sleep, driving many of them mad. Since then, only fools have entered.  


Gear Sets

Unleashed Ritualist  
Dagon's Dominion  
Foolkiller's Ward  
Baron Zaudrus  


Flames of Ambition Explorer   5 points
Waking Flame Style Master   50 points
The Cauldron Challenger   50 points
The Cauldron Conqueror   10 points
Schemes Disrupted   50 points
Relentless Justice   50 points
Hot-Footed   50 points
Flames of Ambition Scout   10 points
The Cauldron Vanquisher   10 points
Daedric Demolitionist   10 points
Bullseye!   10 points
Flames of Ambition Delver   50 points
Subterranean Smasher   50 points
Cultist Slayer   10 points
Watcher Slayer   10 points
Hold It Together   10 points
Curtain of Fire   10 points
Can't Catch Me!   10 points
Glob Security   10 points
Master of Messes   10 points
